Good news – the Parish of Prescot will be reopening St Mary’s Church on Sunday 28 March 2021.

This means we will be able to celebrate Holy Week and Easter in church – Palm Sunday , Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Day.

Numbers will be limited, due to national Covid guidance, but you can book a place each week through Eventbrite. This online booking system means we can keep Track-and-Trace records safely and securely. If you have a friend, neighbour or family member who doesn’t have internet access, please offer to book for them, or ask them to call Dave on 07835090752.

We will continue to broadcast every Eucharist live, via the Prescot Parish Facebook page at

Thanks for your patience in the midst of these restrictions. We look forward to the day when we can welcome everyone without restriction through our church doors!

Book now for Holy Week and Easter: