It is Day 5 of Thy Kingdom Come, and today we have a five-part activity that all the family can enjoy, especially children. It comes courtesy of our deanery youth worker Rebecca Richardson, who serves several parishes in Knowsley, including Prescot. It’s really interactive, and for Part 4 you’ll need:

  • Piece of A4 Paper (plain or colourful)
  • Pair of scissors
  • Butterfly pin & a drawing pin or sharp pencil
  • Straw or wooden stick or pencil
  • Pens & pencils

You can watch all the videos at once or watch one video each day between now and the weekend. The theme of the videos is Pentecost (Sunday 23 May) – when God the Holy Spirit comes to live in us and work through us. Have fun!

Experience Pentecost

1. Waiting!

2. Receiving!

3. Telling!

4. Using Our Gifts!

5. Sharing Our Gifts!