Walk through the two sets of double doors, passing the access door to the tower and bells and entering the nave of the church. Look up, and you will get your first view of the beautiful black oak roof, which was once judged one of the finest in the county of Lancashire.

When the present church was built in 1610, Queen Elizabeth I had only been dead for 7 years and King James I was on the throne of England, so the church fittings were known as ‘Jacobean’.
The spacious and lofty nave is 96 feet long and is part of the 1610 build. The roof is supported by eleven finely carved roof trusses of alternate hammer and tie beams. The centre of the roof is made up of a long run of plain black oak stretching the length of the nave. The rafters are of an effective design, enhanced by the white plastering in between. Ox blood was used to obtain the rich blackness of the wood. On the north side of one of the hammer beams is a pennant which reads, “Thomas Bold Knight 1610,” and on the reverse, “Lady Brigit Bold his Wyffe,” and opposite, the Ogle arms are carved onto the end of one of the hammer beams.