At Prescot Parish Church, everyone’s welcome to join us for our Christmas celebrations.

On Sunday 22 December, we have our annual Festival of Lessons & Carols. Join us for traditional Christmas carols by candlelight, readings from Scripture and specially selected anthems from the choir, including works by John Joubert, John Rutter and our own Robert Howard. The service starts at 6.30pm, and refreshments follow. We are delighted to be joined by our neighbours from Our Lady Immaculate & St Joseph’s for this occasion.

On Tuesday 24 December (Christmas Eve) we have our Crib Service at 3pm. All are welcome, although it’s especially suitable for families with young children. Expect familiar Christmas carols and the Nativity brought to life in songs and stories.

Later on Christmas Eve we usher in Christmas Day with Midnight Mass, beginning at 11.30pm. Then on Christmas morning (Wednesday 25 December) at 10am, we invite you to our Christmas Day Eucharist – and children are welcome to bring their new toys! Please note that there is no service at St Paul’s that day, as the congregation have decided they’d like to worship at St Mary’s.

On Thursday 26 December and Friday 27 December we have Eucharists with hymns at 10am, for the Feasts of Saints Stephen and John, respectively. Transport is available for the housebound on the Friday – please contact the vicar to arrange.

Finally, on Saturday 28 December, we have a Messy Christingle at 2pm in the Meeting Room. Craft activities will be followed by an informal Christmas service with songs and stories, and we encourage families with young children to come along and take part.

Don’t forget that for the Church, Christmas lasts right through January, through the visit of the Wise Men on 6 January (Epiphany, which we celebrate in the Sung Eucharist on Sunday 5 January) until the visit of the infant Jesus to the temple at Candlemas on 3 February.