St Mary’s Closed 24 July to 10 August 2023
St Mary’s Closed 24 July to 10 August 2023

Prescot Parish Church will be closed from Monday 24 July to Thursday 10 August 2023, inclusive, for essential lighting improvements. There will be no Morning Prayer on Wednesdays and Fridays

Thy Kingdom Come: 18-28 May
Thy Kingdom Come: 18-28 May

You are invited to join us for all or part of Thy Kingdom Come, a nine-day period of prayer between the feasts of Ascension and Pentecost.

Welcoming Our New Bishop
Welcoming Our New Bishop

The new Bishop of Liverpool, the Right Reverend John Perumbalath, will be officially installed at a service at 3pm on Saturday 22 April at Liverpool Cathedral. There is no need

Join us in Prescot this Lent & Easter
Join us in Prescot this Lent & Easter

On the eve of Lent, we celebrate Shrove Tuesday at St Paul’s Church, Bryer Road, with a Pancake Praise Party, an act of worship with food and fun for all

Subscribe to Prescot Parish Newsletter
Subscribe to Prescot Parish Newsletter

To keep the parish up-to-date with the latest news and events, we publish a weekly newsletter. You can pick up a paper copy at St Mary’s any time, or subscribe