The coronavirus pandemic has posed a challenge to Christians all over the world, and like churches everywhere this week, we in Prescot have been busy trying to find a new way to be a church at a time when we can’t meet together for worship.

One part of our solution has been to go online, and we’ve been keeping in touch with parishioners more than ever through our Facebook page and Twitter account, @prescotparish. We encourage you to follow, share and interact.

However, we are very aware that not everyone has internet access, and those who do may not use social media. So we were so grateful today at the volunteers who gave up their mornings and afternoons to distribute worship packs to everyone on the Prescot electoral roll.

Inside is a letter from the church, ideas for how you can worship and pray at home, a booklet for Morning, Evening and Night Prayer, and an order of service prepared by the Reverend Kim for what would have been our Mothering Sunday Eucharist. Recipients will also find contact information, and we encourage anyone struggling or in need of practical help to get in touch.

We hope to send around more worship-at-home resources in time for Holy Week and Easter, so we can journey together through Christ’s passion, death and resurrection.

Prescot Parish Church Opening Times

As of this moment, there are no services or meetings at either St Mary’s or St Paul’s.

Update 23/03/20: Churches are now closed at all times.

We are still opening St Mary’s Church for private prayer between 10am and 12 noon each Sunday and Wednesday, but this could change at any moment – we will keep you updated. Please note that this is not, sadly, a service of worship or an opportunity to socialise. If you do visit during the allotted hours, please observe the following guidelines:

  • Wash your hands with the antibacterial gel provided on entering and leaving the building
  • Keep at least six feet, or two metres, away from others at all times
  • If you pick up any literature, such as a newsletter, to read, do not replace it – take it home with you
  • If you are at high risk from infection, feeling unwell or experiencing coronavirus symptoms, stay at home where you are safe and keeping others safe

Keep in Touch

If you are struggling and need support, please get in touch. Clergy and congregation are coordinating their efforts to care for everyone in the parish, just as they would any other time.

  • Revd John A Taylor –, 0151 426 6719
  • Revd Kim Mannings –, 07305 922 392
  • Revd Peter Cowley, CA –, 07752660591
  • David Kernick –, 07835 090 752