A message from the Reverend Kimberley Mannings:

From Sunday 26 July we plan to resume services of Holy Communion in the parish church, at the usual time of 10am. We are still in discussions about how we will ensure that numbers are limited (capping the total at 60) and there will be strict practices in place, both in terms of current practices of social distancing and handwashing/cleaning, and also in regards to how we receive the Sacrament. There will be no singing, and the liturgy will be reduced. Face masks will also be compulsory for all attending, including presiding clergy.

Whilst we have taken every precaution and conducted thorough risk assessments, it is impossible to completely remove the risk of Covid 19 – as is true of any setting. Therefore, whilst it would be really helpful if you could let those whom you speak to know of these plans and answer questions regarding safe practice, we do ask that you make it clear that it is down to each individual to calculate the risk of attending, and not to encourage them to come, as many will not feel ready/will fall into high risk categories.

If you’d told me a year ago that I’d be sending an email which didn’t actively encourage people to attend church, I would not have believed you! However, what matters most is the safety of God’s children – made in His image and of infinite value to Him.

God bless,

Revd Kim