The Sunday Eucharist has now resumed, and all are welcome to join us at 10am each Sunday to celebrate Holy Communion together.

You are asked to wear a mask, use the hand sanitiser provided as you enter and to follow all anti-coronavirus measures once inside, including social distancing and a clearly marked one-way system. Our (very friendly and welcoming!) sidespersons will be on hand to guide you.

As numbers are restricted, due to the pandemic, please book ahead by calling Brenda Fay on 0151 428 3541. If we run out of places, you will be a priority the following week.

St Mary’s is also open each Wednesday, from 10am to 11am, as a drop-in for private prayer.

Prescot Parish Church Online

We broadcast live every day on Facebook. You do not need a Facebook account for this – simply go to the Prescot Parish Church page at

  • 9.30pm every night Compline (Night Prayer)
  • 10am every Sunday Eucharist