As the pandemic restrictions gradually ease, we continue to meet to share the Eucharist at 10am each Sunday in St Mary’s. For everyone’s safety, however, and to meet government and Church of England guidelines, we have a limited number of seats, so it is important that you book your place.

Please visit to register (scroll down for full instructions if needed). Booking is open from 11am every Sunday for the next Sunday’s service. If you know someone who would like to attend but doesn’t have internet access, please offer to book for them or ask them to phone Dave on 07835090752. You will be asked for the name and phone number of each attendee, as this is an essential part of the Track-and-Trace system.

Thank-you for your understanding and for your patience in getting used to the new system. Don’t forget that if for any reason you can’t come in person, we broadcast the entire Eucharist live at, and you do not need a Facebook account simply to watch.


  1. Go to
  2. Click ‘Register.’
  3. Select the number of places you want to book.
  4. Click ‘Register’ again.
  5. Type in your contact details, as well as the details of each attendee. (NB Registration 1 is you, so you will fill in your details again.)
  6. Click ‘Register’ again.
  7. Voila! You’re all done. Your screen should say, ‘Thanks for your order,’ and if you’ve entered an email address, you’ll receive a confirmation email.