It is with great joy that we are able to share the news that our curate, the Reverend Kimberley Mannings, has been appointed to be the next Vicar of Prescot.

Below is the official announcement in a letter from the Venerable Pete Spiers, Archdeacon of Knowsley & Sefton, and the Reverend Dr Stephen Cherry, the Patron of Prescot (King’s College, Cambridge):

“Thank you for all your prayers and support during the process for the appointment of a new vicar at St Mary’s and St Paul’s. The PCC produced a very helpful and informative parish profile which I know many others were involved in. When we advertised the post nationally, we had more clergy applying than we have ever had for any clergy post in the Diocese in the last 6 years!

“After a thorough short-listing and interview process, the interview panel were all agreed that God was calling Kim Mannings to be your next vicar. She will already be known to very many of you and needs no further introduction.

“We are hoping that she will be licensed for this new role in September and we are working on finding a suitable date at the moment. I am looking forward very much to being with you on that occasion and commending her to you. Please pray for Kim and Stephen (pictured) as she prepares to take on this new role with you all.”