We would love to see you at St Mary’s as we journey together through the seasons.

We keep the Feast of the Epiphany (the visit of the Magi to see the infant Christ) on Sunday 8 January, with a 10am Sung Eucharist.

Christmastide and Epiphany come to an end on Sunday 29 January with a Sung Eucharist for the Feast of the Presentation, or Candlemas, at 10am.

Lent begins relatively early in 2023, with Ash Wednesday falling on 22 February, which we celebrate with a Eucharist at 10am and Sung Eucharist at 7.30pm.

This places Mothering Sunday (or Mother’s Day) on 19 March.

Palm Sunday marks Jesus’ final journey to the Holy City on 2 April. Our Sung Eucharist is at the usual time of 10am on both days.

Holy Week follows, with Maundy Thursday falling on 6 April (7.30pm Sung Eucharist) and Good Friday on 7 April (the hours kept at 12 noon, 1pm and 2pm).

We usher in Easter with Holy Saturday on 8 April (7.30pm Easter Vigil) and Easter Day on Sunday 9 April (10am Sung Eucharist), when Jesus is raised to new life.

We celebrate Our Lord’s return to the Father on the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday 18 May (7.30pm Sung Eucharist).

We celebrate the promised coming of the Holy Spirit on the Feast of Pentecost on Sunday 29 May (10am Sung Eucharist).

As the year continues, note the following important dates in the Church Year (where feasts fall on a Sunday, the Sung Eucharist is at the usual time of 10am, and on weekdays sung services are usually kept at 7.30pm, TBC):

Sunday 4 June Trinity Sunday

Sunday 10 September Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Patronal Festival)

Sunday 5 November Feast of All Saints (we normally observe All Souls on the same occasion)

Sunday 12 November Remembrance Sunday

Sunday 26 November Feast of Christ the King

Sunday 3 December First Sunday of Advent

Sunday 10 December Second Sunday of Advent

Sunday 17 December Third Sunday of Advent

Sunday 24 December Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve

Monday 25 December Christmas Day

Tuesday 26 December Feast of St Stephen

Wednesday 27 December Feast of St John

Thursday 28 December Feast of the Holy Innocents