Arts Festival Hails Milestone Year for Prescot
Arts Festival Hails Milestone Year for Prescot

England’s number one-ranking brass band is among the musical guests at this year’s Prescot Festival. Cheshire-based Foden’s Band—currently placed number two worldwide—has been making music for over a century and

RIP, Father Jeff
RIP, Father Jeff

Update: The Funeral of the Reverend Father Jeff Engel is at 12 noon on Friday 8 April. All are welcome. It will be livestreamed to for those who cannot

Celebrating Generosity Week
Celebrating Generosity Week

A big thank-you to the Reverend Steve Pierce for joining us on Sunday 6 February to speak about God’s generosity and how we can live generous lives in return. If

Funeral of Dave Friar
Funeral of Dave Friar

In December 2021 we were heartbroken to lose a faithful friend and servant of God, David Friar. He was dedicated and cheerful in his role as church warden in the

How to Give to Prescot Parish Church
How to Give to Prescot Parish Church

How to Give to Prescot Parish Church Your gifts of money help ensure the parish can continue in its mission to ‘share the love and light of Christ with Prescot,

Advent & Christmas at Prescot Parish Church
Advent & Christmas at Prescot Parish Church

We’ve updated our events page to include the many services and special occasions coming up as Christmas approaches. Everyone’s welcome to join us as we reflect during Advent – a

Prescot Greetings Cards Now on Sale
Prescot Greetings Cards Now on Sale

Local artists The Jones Boys have created these stunning new card designs to help us raise much-needed parish funds. Twins Philip and Andrew hail from Prescot and have forged successful

All Saints & All Souls 2021
All Saints & All Souls 2021

In a change to previous years, we will be remembering our departed loved ones at the Sung Eucharist for the Feast of All Saints, on Sunday 31 October at 10am.